PGMi Services

DoD Technical Acquisition Support

PGM-International specializes in providing systems engineering technical assistance to the U.S. Navy’s Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I) and Space Systems PMW 120. Currently, this support is provided under a 5-year subcontract with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for the Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental System-Next Generation (NITES-Next) program.  PGMi applies its expertise in a large variety of technical aspects of DoD acquisition.  These are some of the technical acquisition documents PGMi has developed as a principal author:

PGMi also provides direct technical support to acquisition documents such as the Acquisition Strategy, Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD), Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) Compliance packages, and many others.

Paul Marshall presenting at the ASEAN Smart Grid Congress
in December 2019

Renewable Energy Research and Development

The International Energy Agency estimates that by the year 2040 there will still be more than 700 million people worldwide without access to electricity, many of them living in rural areas of the world. Having access to a reliable source of energy is crucial for rural inhabitants to improve their quality of life. Electricity powers basic needs such as lighting, heating, and cooking, and also powers computers, televisions, and other essential appliances. In this way, electricity is a necessity for social and economic development. It is also vital to basic social services such as education, health care, clean water supply, and sanitation. Electricity allows for key activities after sunset such as health care and study for students.

Renewable energy production, particularly from photovoltaic systems, combined with affordable and effective energy storage provides a means to provide electricity to these poorer communities. PGMi has been involved in research in renewable energy technologies since 2010 with a focus on bringing electricity to the poorest parts of the world.  PGMi’s involvement is centered in Southeast Asia, but these technologies and concepts can be extended to other parts of the developing world.

The paper below presents a study comparing four battery energy storage system (BESS) technologies to support renewable energy-based microgrid systems designed to support poor rural communities.